Legends & Parables

Legends, Parables and folk tales from across the world.

Latest Stories in Legends & Parables

The Gold-giving Serpent

A fascinating story of the gold-giving Serpent and a greed of the

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A Lac of Rupees for a Bit of Advice

Lakh Takke ki Bat (in Hindi) - An advice worth of Lakh

1 View 19 Min Read

Adventures of a Young Man (Russian Folktale) – Part II

Mamariha descended on a lonely spot at the foot of a hill

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Adventures of a Young Man (Russian Folktale) – Part I

In a certain village lived a poor young man named Mamariha. He

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The Bald Wife (Folk-tales of Bengal)

A certain man had two wives, the younger of whom he loved

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The Blind Hermit

King Nagverma went into the forest for hunting. He was accompanied by

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The Field of Bones (Folk-tales of Bengal)- Part II

They entered the seventh court, and there and then, for the first

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The Field of Bones (Folk-tales of Bengal)- Part I

Once upon a time, there lived a king who had a son.

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The Ghost who was Afraid of being Bagged

Discover the stunningtale of a barber who outwits a ghost to gain

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The Boy with the Moon on his Forehead – Part II

The king saw and immediately thought of the son with the moon

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The Boy with the Moon on his Forehead – Part I

There was a certain king who had six queens, none of whom

10 Views 23 Min Read

The Match-making Jackal (Folk-tales of Bengal)

Once upon a time, there lived a weaver, whose ancestors were very

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