One Way Ticket to Destiny

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“MY, brother, find a trustworthy young man for my daughter. You know, I have no son. The young man to marry my daughter will inherit my property. You know what I mean,” said Seth Jaikant to his dear friend, Pyarimohan.

“I know, you want me to find a young man who understands the value of money! In plain words, he should be as stingy as yourself,” observed Pyarimohan, laughing.

“You call me stingy. I call myself prudent. I want my heir to be equally prudent!” said Seth.

After a month Pyarimohan wrote to Jaikant informing him that he was sending two young men to him. They had not been told the purpose for which they were being sent, though they are likely to have guessed it.

They will be with him for three days. He could detain the one he chose for his would-be son-in-law. They have been told that one of them will be required to stay on.

The two young men, Kumar and Swarup, were duly received by Seth. He put them up with him for three days. Then he politely told Kumar, “My boy, I understand that both of you are ready to leave tomorrow. Do you mind staying on alone? Swarup can go.”

“I don’t mind,” said Kumar.

Swarup turned to Kumar and said, “My friend, do you now understand why I bought a one-way ticket? I can use yours for the return journey!”

“What’s the matter?” asked Seth.

The two young men explained the situation. Kumar had bought a return ticket while Swarup had traveled to Seth’s town on a one-way ticket. Swarup thought that if he is detained, he would not require a ticket for his return journey. If Kumar is detained, he can use Kumar’s!

Seth smiled. Slowly he turned to Kumar and said, “I have changed my mind. Well, you can go, my boy. Swarup can stay on.

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