Region: India

King & the Sanyasi

Sanyasi was in need of some help for an orphanage he was

5 Views 1 Min Read

The Magic Fiddle

Once upon a time, there lived seven brothers and a sister. The

6 Views 10 Min Read

No Necklace for a Loafer

The sage was speaking to three young seekers. They sat under a

5 Views 5 Min Read

The Broken Pot

There lived in a certain place a Brahman, whose name was Svabhavakripana,

4 Views 3 Min Read

Punchkin – Part II

Punchkin Fakir wandered through the palace, and saw many beautiful things there,

7 Views 20 Min Read

Punchkin – Part I

Punchkin is a traditional fairy tale about a Rajah with seven daughters.

6 Views 18 Min Read

The Bald Wife (Folk-tales of Bengal)

A certain man had two wives, the younger of whom he loved

8 Views 10 Min Read

The Farce

People of Sumanpur still remember the farce which their landlord enacted to

9 Views 6 Min Read

The Blind Hermit

King Nagverma went into the forest for hunting. He was accompanied by

7 Views 4 Min Read

The Field of Bones (Folk-tales of Bengal)- Part II

They entered the seventh court, and there and then, for the first

7 Views 18 Min Read

The Field of Bones (Folk-tales of Bengal)- Part I

Once upon a time, there lived a king who had a son.

6 Views 19 Min Read

True to His Words

The naughty Baplu was never tired of disturbing others. One day the

7 Views 1 Min Read