The Reward – A tale from China

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In a certain Chinese village lived a young man named Tong. He lost his mother when he was very young. He did not remember her, and his father took such great care of him that he had no reason to miss her.

His father used to tell Tong, “Always be truthful and honest. Whatever the hardship you face in life, your truthfulness and your honesty will give you true satisfaction in life.”

Tong loved his father very much. They had a small field and both father and son worked on it hard. But, as luck would have it, one day Tong’s father fell ill and died.

That was a great shock to Tong. He buried his father’s dead body in his field, but it was his great desire to raise a monument over his grave. That way, he felt, he would be able to do justice to his ‘father’s memory. But he had no money. He thought over the situation for some days and decided upon a course of action. He went to the town and sat on the pavement with a piece of writing hanging from his neck. The writing said that he was for sale. But the buyer must pay him enough money to raise a decent tomb.

Days passed. Many passersby read the inscription, but nobody came forward to buy him. The little money he had with him was all spent. He starved for two days but did not give up hope of finding a buyer.

On the third day, a landlord saw him. Somehow, he agreed to his condition and paid the money. Tong was delighted. He went back to his village and requested the masons to build the monument. They did good work, for they loved Tong very much.

After the monument was ready, Tong spent a day meditating. Then he proceeded to the town and met the landlord.

The landlord had a deserted house near his farm. Tong lived in that house, alone, and worked on the farm.

He had to work very hard. He also cooked for himself. After ‘the harvest season he fell ill. ‘The landlord hardly cared for his health or welfare. He suffered much.

One night he felt as if somebody was standing by his bedside. He opened his eyes and saw a beautiful young lady observing him. At first, he thought that it was a dream. But slowly he knew that it was reality.

“Please get up. You are cured of your illness,” said the lady in a sweet voice.

Tong sat up and found that his fever and weakness had completely disappeared.

“The food is ready. Eat and you will feel better,” said the lady. She had already cooked for him. Tong had never tasted anything so delicious.

“You go to work and I will manage your house,” she said.

“May I know who you are?” asked Tong.

“My name is Chi. You don’t need to know anything more. Well, will you mind marrying me?” she asked.

“Mind marrying you? I will be the happiest man. But I have no means to manage a household!” said Tong.

“That will be my business,” said Chi.

They got married. Chi was found knitting charming designs on silk. Soon the town’s well-to-do people made a beeline for her handicrafts. Months passed.

One day, as Tong returned from his work, Chi showed him a piece of paper. The landlord had received back the amount of money he had given to Tong and had written down that Tong was a free man now!

Great was Tong’s joy. He returned to his village with Chi. They built a new house and lived happily. A year passed. Chi gave birth to a son. The people of the village said that they had never seen such a lovely child.

One day, when the child was a year old, Chi told Tong, “It is time for me to depart!”

“Where?” asked Tong, quite surprised.

“Well, I must tell you that I am not a human being, but a nymph. The god who presides over the spirits of ancestors was very happy with your devotion to your father. He asked me to assume a human form and to set you free from your bondage to the landlord. I have done that. I am leaving enough money with you to buy more land and to educate the child. Live happily,” she said and, before Tong could say anything, she disappeared.

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